I've moved! You can find my new blog at EricMartindale.com.

Remaeus' shared items

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What A Friend Said About Me.

Just caught this over a MySpace (gasp!) bulletin. Actually, I'm lying, Shannon called me when she posted this to make sure I saw it. Because you know I wouldn't have.
Girls - pick the first guy on your top friends.
Unless their family than pick the next one.
Guys - do the same, but the first girl .

- Don't change it
- Enter their name
- Be honest
- Repost this so your friends can do it too

1. Who is it?

2. How did you meet?
6th grade, baby. We go back.

3. If you were crying would this person cheer you up?

4. Where is this person?

5. Have you ever spent the night with this person?
I've crashed at his place. But not with him. We don't roll like that, s0n.

6. Will this person repost this?
Lol, Never.

7. Is this person family?
Yup. Always will be part of it.

8. Do you trust this person ?
Uh Hu. He knows me better than anyone.

9. If you could change something about them, would you?
Nope. Well, I'd make it so he called more often. But we're both so damn busy.

10. Does this person live close to you?
5 minutes away.

11. How much does this person know about you?
TOO much...=). Just kidding.

12. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with this person?
We'd probably do stuipd shit so the people monitoring the elevator cameras
would be laughing their asses off. And then I'd probably be fussing him out, saying this was all his fault and he'd just sit there trying to take apart the damn elevator keypad and claim it was something he's always wanted to do. What a retard... ;)

13. Do you argue with this person?
God yes. And we fight. I'm Talking an all out BRAWL. ;)

14. If you guys went to jail together, what would it be for?
Running from the cops. Hacking into some top secret government website. Aiding and Ebedding. TRYING to get into Lake Royal. ha...

15. Do you want to see this person right now?
Sometime soon, Yeah. I miss him =(

"MY TOP BOY"- if you're a girl and "MY TOP GIRL"-if your a guy

I love you too, Shannon. You're... mostly correct. On which parts... I'm not at liberty to disclose. :D

You're Not Cool

Replacing English characters with non-English characters does not make you cool.

See the Oasiz Community for examples.

It almost reminds me of the kids on MSN chats back in the day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

DMOZ launches Blog

"Since 1998, the Open Directory Project has been the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a passionate, global community of volunteer editors." - and they just launched a blog.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Content is Dead. Community is King Now.

The foundation for the empire has been laid, and upon it shall be built the future. Long live the king!

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Fantasy Author Robert Jordan Passes Away | RolePlayGateway: WeBlog!

The author of the particularly famous Wheel of Time series passed away yesterday due to cardiac amyloidosis. Diagnosed with the disease in March of 2006, Jordan, born James Oliver Rigney Jr., vowed to fight the disease and continue his legendary writing career for many years to come. It is a great loss to the fantasy community...

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Monday, September 10, 2007

MMA legalized in North Carolina; Are You Ready?

August 30th - the day MMA became legal in North Carolina. I've been waiting for this for a long time. Virginia and South Carolina are long drives - especially for me, I live right in the capital area. With any luck, they'll shortly be finalizing rules and regulations for leagues, at which point I'll be joining and grabbing every fight I can get.

I'm big into mixed martial arts. I currently train a style of Okinawan Karate called Isshinryu, which is an in-your-face discipline. It's one of the younger styles, named in 1956 by Grandmaster Tatsuo Shimabuku.

I've trained many styles in the past, including Judo and Muay Thai. I've never been beaten in a traditional art, but I'm sure hoping to find a challenge in MMA. I'm so ready for this.

Are you?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Google Reader: Interface Updates Going on NOW!

Google Reader is updating their interface at this very moment. Is it possible that they felt threatened by the most recent Bloglines updates?I encountered this when browsing late night feeds - a very weird feed showed up in my subscription list, and my feeds began to break.

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