I've moved! You can find my new blog at EricMartindale.com.

Remaeus' shared items

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Magic Marketing Button

I've been thinking about how awesome it would be to have a button with the text "Magic Market" on it.  This theoretical button would do all of the things I do on a daily basis, automatically, since most of them are menial and procedural anyways.  These would include:
<li>Directory Submission</li>
<li>MySpace Promotion</li>
<li>Sitemap generation</li>
<li>Keyword Ranking Check</li>
<li>Backlink Check</li>
<li>Traffic Trend Check (Google Analytics!)</li>
Oh, the fantasy. 
On second thought, maybe this is a viable project...
And tangentially, I figured out why this didn't post the first time.  I sent it to "blogspot.com" instead of "blogger.com".  Problem solved, and this makes it a bit easier for me to update, now. :)

RolePlaying Blog

I've been seriously slacking in getting RPGateway's blog up and running, but I've finally gotten around to re-posting the files and re-connecting Wordpress to the database. Now all I've got to do is to get a couple of our admins (and hopefully, one of our loverly owners) to start posting and managing it.

The idea here is to create a single update page where watchers who don't want to be involved in the site can still read updates from the staff. A buzz can be established, and hopefully, some real momentum can be generated with content that is updated daily. The so-called 'blogosphere' (I cringe too, relax.) is a very powerful force in the tubes today, and I think it's important to at least begin to establish some sort of presence here.

I was recently pointed to Trevor Somerville's 30 days to success, and I'm only reminded that articles are the Queen in a world where daily updates are King. Good luck to Trevor, I'll probably swing by once or twice to check up on his progress and see if he has any useful tips.

I started fiddling with some new posting options again, in particular the email posting. Blogger lets you set up a secret email to which you can send blog posts, at which point they'll automatically be added to your blog. I had a contact set up in my Gmail as of (insert long period of time) ago, and I sent a post to it, but I haven't seen anything of it. It looks like the same email, but... apparently not. I guess I'll be reconfiguring this later.

I've been having great experiences with SEO and RolePlay Gateway, we're rising in rankings rather quickly, even after the domain migration. Many thanks to the folks over at DigitalPoint for my education over the past few months. I'm sure I'll be telling these success stories soon, but right now I have to head off to Winston to run a few service calls.

Peace out!

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Place Between Us

This is a pretty damned awesome service.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Number of times that I've removed the Microsoft Office Language Bar in the past 7 days: 17

On another note, we've put up a technology forum, and hopefully this will help us keep things organized. Additionally, as I'm sure some of you have seen, we've launched the Role Play Academy.

Look for FreeForm Roleplaying Chat soon, too.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

GMail, Old Domains, and Spam

Recently on DigitalPoint, I posted in response to someone who had some old domains forwarding email to his Gmail account - high traffic domains that received tens of thousands of spam messages per day.

I presented him a solution, which might work for you, too, if you're in a similiar situation.

Up at the top of your Gmail, click "Create a Filter". It's to the right of the search box.

In the "From:" box, type the domain name of the affected domain. Click "Next Step".

Select "Delete It". Click "Create Filter" and you're done.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Kevin Rose, HD-DVD, and the Letter

I'm waiting on Kevin Rose's official statement on the matter. Does anyone think it'll be here by morning?

Digg Digital Riot over HD-DVD key?

It looks like after a long day at work, without real net access, I missed out on the 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 goodness.

Digg seems to have chosen sponsors over its users. Sure, users are your power, and that's cliche and all. But damn. Is it cliche enough to forget?

Oh, and for the record, DRM sucks.