I've moved! You can find my new blog at EricMartindale.com.

Remaeus' shared items

Monday, February 13, 2006


Touch Screen.


Eric Martindale
IT Professional
Admin of GWing.net

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Female Lycans

Amber and I were walking home from a walk, when I look up and beaming
through the trees was a huge moon.

"Hey, look! It's a full moon tonight." I immediately exclaimed,
regardless of whether or not it really was full.

Amber casually glances over and says, "It'd suck to be a female werewolf."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because they have TWO times of the month."

We got inside about ten seconds later, and I began to type this entry.

Eric Martindale
IT Professional
Admin of GWing.net

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Random videos of people getting pwned?

I like it.


Eric Martindale
IT Professional
Admin of GWing.net

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a really weird movie, and it really scared me.  Not only is the concept nail-head-on, but I used to be called Jim Carrey, and some say I bear a striking resemblance to him in my expressions.  Well... yeah.  It's difficult to explain.

So what, I got over that.  But then, just when I thought the worst was over, I was *randomly* Googling - the verb form of to search the google search engine - and then... BOOM! HEADSHOT!


Okay, I can handle someone from WW2 looking almost like myself - and the fact that he's a pilot, one of my dreams.  Okay.  I can handle that.  And then...

http://www.artofcombat.com/instructors.htm :
The training group (SOI) in Dallas was small and under the guidance of Eric Martindale (which promoted Ralph to 9th kyu), ....

I can handle a martial arts instructor being named Eric Martindale as well, a little odd, but then again, I've always been involved in martial arts, haven't I?  Eric apparently promoted that guy to 9th kyu, right?  So don't you have to be 10th kyu?  So he's 1337 like that, right?    ...      And then...

And of course there's the soccer referee, or is he a player?  I don't remember.  He's another Eric Martindale.  A little weird, too... but I've played soccer since the age of five.  And then...


I became an Eagle Scout, too.  When I was a young boy... I was once a cub scout aspiring to be an Eagle Scout.  Dun dun dun.  The plot thickens.


Once again, I am involved in a martial arts situation, and I believe referring to the same Eric Martindale.  And then...


Holy crap, that IS me.  For real.  Only slightly unexpected at this point... after all of these STRANGE entries.  Slightly.  O_o ....

And then...

I've apparently lost myself on http://lostfriends.org - or is someone looking for me?  Oh... that's what I meant to say.  I haven't *found* myself there yet... but apparently Google did.  And then...


I WAS on this page at some point... and this one is somewhat entertaining.  Apparently, in Charlotte during some point about a year ago, someone named Eric Martindale died in a car accident.  I believe I had four people come up to me that day and ask if I had died... I was about two hours north of charlotte at the time, and the "Eric Martindale" news had reached most parts of North Carolina and Virginia, and I got two phone calls, one from my mother - asking if I had died.   .... ... ... ... ....   And then...


I'm the president of a North Carolina rotary club.  I've always been a fan of rotary engines... but this is ridiculous... WTFH? ....  I'm becoming very frightened at this point... very frightened.  I love rotary engines.  That rotary club is two cities away.  ...  And then...


I used to wrestle, but I've never been to Wisconson.  Or.   Have I.

"The One", any one?  Whoa!  The Matrix!  42!

Eric Martindale
IT Professional
Admin of GWing.net